Monday, April 25, 2011

And For the n-th and Final Time...THE END OF THE WORLD!!

I am just going to let it sink in for a bit.

And here we have yet another group of kooks going around saying the world is going to end.  The only time I remember this was back in 1989....

Ironically the group that believes this can be found at "FamilyRadio".com, an amateurish website that is a weird convolution of a cheap late 90's early 00's webpage found on AngelFire or one of the other free web hosting sites.  They ask God for the ability to spread their message over the Internet, but unfortunately God hasn't blessed them with the ability to make a good webpage.  Even TimeCube is better designed than this website.

Now enough of attacking the appearance of the site.  I wanted to find out the PROOF that the world is going to end on May 21st, so I visited the site and after wading through a very web browser unfriendly PDF I find this:
            "Seven thousdand years after 4990 B.C. (the year of the Flood) is the year 2011 A.D. (our calendar):
                     4990 + 2011 -1 = 2011"

That's right, they are using Bible math, as in the Bible math used by creationist kooks who think the world was created Thursday April 10th, 6876 B.C (or something like that), by counting back through the generations, or that Pi is equal to 3 exactly!

It is torture to read the document (mainly because it is presented in an unfriendly manner), so that is all I could really stomach....that and being too lazy to keep on scrolling back up when I got done with a column.

But in the end the only evidence I ran across presented by these people was Bible math, and at the end of the day I prefer real math. :-)